The goal is to establish a lasting relationship based on trust and shared common values, within a high growth structure where everyone can find their place.

  • You are looking for a job,you are a beginner, a young graduate or experienced: we are regularly looking for dynamic, motivated and conscientious employees.
  • You are looking for an internship: we integrate interns throughout the year in our teams, who are supervised by experienced staff to perform any type of mission.

There are several possibilities to send us your CV with a cover letter:

By the form
By email at the following address: contact @
By mail to the attention
of the Human
Resources Department.

Please fill out this form with the utmost care. It will allow us to better appreciate your skills.
We guarantee complete discretion on the information provided.

    Attach a CV *

    You can send us 1 file, accepted formats are Word, PDF and compact Zip file, do not exceed 2 MB


    * Required fields

    “ ”

    [trx_testimonials slider=”no” align=”center” custom=”yes” width=”100%” height=”100%” class=”accrocheur-text”][trx_testimonials_item]

    Success is not the key to happiness.
    Happiness is the key to success.
    If you enjoy what you do, you will succeed.

    Naïm Steinmetz & Associés

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